Thursday, 12 March 2009
The creative muse has foresaken me...
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
What the hell?...
Saturday, 7 March 2009
I should be where others aren't...
In other news, I'm moving house...
Got two photography briefs to complete, another arsing website to build, books to read, and, a presentation and essay to do, mostly by the 3rd of April. Happy fucking days. Meh.
Not to mention the delights of furniture restoration, of which there aren't many. Meh, again.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
Mr Smith met with a sticky end...
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Never again...
So, went to my friends birthday do last night, in a terraced cottage with a log fire, next door to a mentally unbalanced man who thinks he's a ww2 fighter pilot-I've heard him through the walls during the wee hours, oh yes, and the amount of times I've laid there, wide awake, willing him to crash his fucking plane...
Haven't seen her in a while; she soon brings me up to speed on the rich Greek property developer that brings her wood, no, this isn't a euphemism for a new lover, he is, genuinely fetching fuel for her fire, oh, here we go, 'Ooh Matron' and all that.
To continue, there's a rich man clearly 'taken' with my friend; he introduced himself (to her) thus: "You are Landscaper, I may need perhaps sometime, I bring you wood.... so, err, here is my card, if you need anything, if you ever *frustrated* (uses name), you call me". She couldn't believe her ears, if that isn't direct, I don't know what is!
Anyway, my hangover is large.
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Bono still sounds like dog food...
Thursday, 26 February 2009
Laughing at myself...
Wednesday, 25 February 2009
Jed, (un)Clampit...
No. He did ask for it. It's late, it's cold, I've been in college for 9 hours, there's a big yellow metal clamp on my wheel, it's starting to snow, I don't have my coat, he has the key for the clamp... was he being deliberately obtuse? abusing his position of power, refusing to unlock it. Twat. Furthermore, he wouldn't listen to a word I said about anything, oh y'know, the shit just escalated from there on in really.
Oh, and, apparently first yr students are now eligible to apply for a parking permit for the car park, well, thanks for telling me that now.
2008 prospectus offers in B&W, parking facilities at the campus. Sept 2008 I'm informed I'm not eligible to not only use the car park, but can't even apply for a permit because I am in the first year. Genius! Who else, if not prospective first years, is the prospectus aimed at? That'll be described as false advertising, I'll wager.
Monday, 23 February 2009
Sunday, 22 February 2009
I am...
Oh, my ribs...
Wine fuelled rhetoric, possibly...
Want to tell you about the three legged cat I've met. Named him Tripod. Tripod is a cat with 3 legs (clearly). Tripod hangs out thereabouts. Tripod affectionatley climbs up your body, then, insists on clinging to you like a Koala Bear up a Eucalyptus tree; he dribbles, his deep purr resonates and his plump jowels vibrate as you stroke him. I'm talking a fair (not fur) bit of cat, even minus the leg. He weighs a ton. He's lovely.
The other day he cocked his head to one side in anticipation that the missing leg, and, subsequent paw should engage in the ritual of scratching the back of his ear . His 'stump' vibrated, going through the motions, bless. Tripod was attempting to scratch the back of his ear with his non-existant limb. I shouldn't laugh, but did frankly, and, spat coffee to boot. Then went over and scratched the back of his ear for him, thus relieving him of his itch.
Saturday, 21 February 2009
Retro adverts...fantastic
No sexism in this one, oh no. Oh wait, is she wearing a floral print pinny under that coat?
More of the same...
This is unfair to whores per say. Since all the ones I know have degrees. Blast.
So, I'm in this kinda mood today, think it may be a good one, hard to say, it's been a while.
Lee Hazelwood was a genius, died in 2006. Producer to and collaborator with Duane Eddy. Nick Cave is a big fan, obviously. Hazelwood made some fantastic songs with Nancy Sinatra. 'Some Velvet Morning' is toppermost...
Friday, 20 February 2009
The end is in sight...
Recently been feeling discomfort akin to that of a cheese grater slowly carving slithers off my brain. Of course, this is all in my mind!
Accidently watched The Brits, more specifically, The Pet Shop was like some new genre of pop horror comedy had been born, look out she's behind you! Pink wig, err, less said the better. Neil Tennant looked like Hot Chips grandad in Gestapo boots...I kept waiting for him to throw off the hat and leather overcoat to reveal a sparkly suit or something, will he? won't he?, oh, he's not....
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Wednesday, 18 February 2009
Thursday, 12 February 2009
Crap practice....
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Cat waits for bus...
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Bonnie Prince Billy...
I really have the like for 'Back-lash of Uncle Sam American Hinterland' stuff...If you haven't already had the pleasure, you must. This guy's (Will Oldham) song writing and adaptations of them by the use of short films is amazing, both thought provoking and heart warming, not to mention tear jerking at times and absurdly disturbing.
Bath, bed...
I remember when a mac was a raincoat...
Monday, 9 February 2009
Boo hiss...
Camera for sale?...
Nom nom nom...
Sunday, 8 February 2009 paraphrase Fantasy Island, "The plague, the plague"...
Wow! not looked at this original stuff for ages. Saw Herzogs adaptation of Nosferatu last week in it's entirety for the first time and it blew me away. Very highly charged and atmospheric. Beautifully lit, sumptious colour, containing some fantastic moments of cinematic beauty serenaded by an utterly mesmerising soundtrack.
I can't deny that I'm prone to the odd 'Renfield' moment at times, and, yes, Kinski does look like Gary Numan in this.
What are all these youtube grading stars about? Bet I clicked on something I shouldn't have.
Waste of money...
Shame really, that's life, death...
We're doing well this month, we lost the genius guitar playing of John Martyn the week before last (which was Jan, granted, but a small detail). He followed the departure of Davy Graham, folk guru.
Just a blade of grass...
Heres to you Mrs Robinson...
Saturday, 7 February 2009
Sentimental refrain...

My friend Claire, talented ceramicist, artist and teacher, not to mention purveyor of razor sharp wit. Died from Meningitis and Septicemia on her garden path at 6 o'clock in the morning, stating that she couldn't feel her legs. That'll be 3 years ago next month. Sammi and I are considering an attempt to raise funds for research and to raise awareness for both Cystic Fibrosis and Meningitis, early days yet, but, hopefully we'll be able to get something together. Can't emphasise enough the importance of having a Donor Card; that stuff is really no use to you once you've stopped breathing.
Friday, 6 February 2009
Toffee apples...
Web (lack of) development...
Donor Cards
Perhaps one day someone will put my heart to better use. Think my liver may be beyond redemption!
Sea and sand subject to availability...
Word play for beginners...
Ramblings of a frustrated creative "type".
Type could have three meanings here. The title is a nod to local newspapers, and of course, cameras lie everyday all over the world. It's also a tongue-in-cheek pop at myself really, because, I will be talking largely bollocks.
Sub-Zero Cappuccino...
I'm certain of three things this morning:
- The house is freezing.
- The gas bill is stratospheric
- There's no caffine in the vicinity.
I'm mostly confused about anything else.