Thursday, 12 March 2009

The creative muse has foresaken me...

I'm riddled with panic.

This isn't good.

It makes me want to a) open a bottle of wine, and, b) eat like a bastard.

I'm actually pacing the living room, rubbing my forehead. That bitch better turn up soon.

Jolly good.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

What the hell?...

Wait a bit, for a minute, whilst I pinch myself for a second, to ensure I'm actually here, yep, seem to be... so, I have *really* just watched the news that stated essentially that Robert Mugabe was turning into a nice bloke. Fucksake, "He's behind you!". C'mon, Jesus H Christ... I couldn't be more emphatic about this if I tried.

R-O-B-E-R-T M-U-G-A-B-E, ring a bell?, hey, praps not, who knows?...

Saturday, 7 March 2009

I should be where others aren't...

Decided today that I'm largely full of shit.

In other news, I'm moving house...

Got two photography briefs to complete, another arsing website to build, books to read, and, a presentation and essay to do, mostly by the 3rd of April. Happy fucking days. Meh.

Not to mention the delights of furniture restoration, of which there aren't many. Meh, again.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

These made me spit coffee. Busy?, yes I am, actually...


"Womb expulsions" brilliant!

Mr Smith met with a sticky end...

Course, I could be listening to too much Elliot. Nah, Preston's still grim.


I grew up in Preston, right. At 17, I realised something I'd suspected for a while was true: the best thing about the place was the road out, so, I utilised it and managed to put a healthy nine hour journey between me and it! Sitting here now, shaking my head, half in bewilderment, half in despair, and, alarmingly I've been doing that for about four and a half years, or to put it another way, since I moved back to Preston.

Hated it as child and positively loathe it as adult. No matter how many whistles and bells 'they' try to adorn this town with, the fact remains it's a bit of a cultural cess-pit (did I just say "bit"?). Preston has two redeeming features the Avenham Park area and the bus station, for very different reasons. Yep, thats kind of it really. It doesn't really cater for arty types. I've been spoilt over the years having lived in areas of outstanding natural beauty and ,err, Manchester. Ahh, Manchester: a place where you can go into town between 4:30pm and 7pm in the evening ( as opposed to pm in the morning, clearly) avoiding the risk of being flattened by a bombardment of tumbleweeds. That said, I have nothing against tumbleweeds. I make joke, but, I find this place truly depressing.

Basically, I moved back to Preston because I fell in love. I was very ill at the time and made some odd decsions, another one being the purchase a brand new ford KA outright, like I said I was ill, and wanted hassle free motoring; "How much?" "Have you got in in that nice colour, there?" (points at pic in brochure) "No?" "Oh well, I'll have that shitty burgandy one then, ta very much" Vroom, vroom...

I seem to be waffling, there was a point to this, but now I can't remember and there is someone at the door.

Wednesday, 4 March 2009


There is something very lovely and comforting about daffodils in the snow.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Being Human...

'Being Human' on BBC3 is just fantastic... Vampire, Werewolf and a Ghost, brilliant.

Never again...

Felt the first kiss from Spring this afternoon and it tasted delicious, drinking coffee over looking the Dee Estuary (wildlifeys, take note, it is a must do for you lot). Parkgate, Wirral... used to be the last port before Chester, then the estuary silted up and now it's not (a port, that is). There is a fantastic chip shop there btw. Yep, it was all very lovely.

So, went to my friends birthday do last night, in a terraced cottage with a log fire, next door to a mentally unbalanced man who thinks he's a ww2 fighter pilot-I've heard him through the walls during the wee hours, oh yes, and the amount of times I've laid there, wide awake, willing him to crash his fucking plane...

Haven't seen her in a while; she soon brings me up to speed on the rich Greek property developer that brings her wood, no, this isn't a euphemism for a new lover, he is, genuinely fetching fuel for her fire, oh, here we go, 'Ooh Matron' and all that.

To continue, there's a rich man clearly 'taken' with my friend; he introduced himself (to her) thus: "You are Landscaper, I may need perhaps sometime, I bring you wood.... so, err, here is my card, if you need anything, if you ever *frustrated* (uses name), you call me". She couldn't believe her ears, if that isn't direct, I don't know what is!

Anyway, my hangover is large.

Kind of, having difficulty getting this Rene and Renata song of my head somehow, poor quality notwithstanding......but, to paraphrase: "the reddest rose I always bring you, the hardest wood I long to give you"...